Friday 24 July 2020



Hi bloggers yesterday it was Matariki and it is maori happy new year. That day we had three different things and and first one was Stop Motion using playdoh and it was fun to do. I enjoyed it so much and in it I we had to be in group of 3 or 4 people. The second one was making a kite (Manu tukutuku). We got a cardboard strip and you had to make some patterns on it and it was fun after we finish making patterns on it then you put it on a table and the teacher will put the patterns on the kite and they will stick it with hot glue gun and the teacher put some people to help and sick it on the kite. It was fun and I liked it so much and I like doing it so much. After we finished doing the second one the kite was looking so nice. Then third one was baking and I like doing baking 29% and we had to be in groups and it was a group of 6 or 5 and in it we get turn's to do it We made fried bread it was looking nice when we made it and I liked eating it so much and it was tasting so nice when I eat it and I loved it so much.  I liked Thursday so much because it was a fun day and we did so many thing and all the thing were fun to do and I like doing them. The end of the day and I was happy and finally Blog you later Bloggers. 


  1. Hi Dev, my name is Mabel from Marshland school. I really like your blog post because it is detailed and it has lots of information. Making kites sounds fun! Perhaps next time you could proof read because I found one or two mistakes in there. I made a kite once but then it broke when my friend flew it into a pipe.

    1. Thanks for the feedback Mabel I will not make a mistake next time when I make a blog. Thank you


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